Thursday, June 19, 2008

Race at Frenchman's Bar

Congradulations to everyone on great races yesterday!

I thought you might be interested to see how much some of you improved in just one week!

Yvonna Harris- PR by 3:14, bringing her time down to 23:25 in one week! Good things ahead I think!

Lucy Lyons- PR by 2:21, down to a blazing 22:20! King's should be worried!

Emily Vis- Took off 1:15, down to 24:52! Keep up the hard work!

Peter Dykes- Came down 37 seconds to a very nice 18:34!

Mark Lyons- Shaved off 25 seconds to get under 18! 17:52 in June! Awesome!

Natalia Harris- Had a great day, taking off 12 seconds to run a 24:291 Keep it up!

Dennis Dykes- Took off 11 seconds, almost breaking 20, with a 20:01 (But you started in the back... if we had chip timing you would have been under!)

Great job to everyone else! These are just the people who ran both weeks, so we can compare times...

1 comment:

Coach said...

Devin also had a great day even though we didn't have a time from week one to compare! I couldn't catch him! Probably never will again! Do I see podium in the future???